mardi 5 avril 2011

Sudokurve N°1


  • Écrire un chiffre de 1 à 9 dans chaque case de sorte que chaque chiffre apparaisse exactement une fois dans chaque rangée et région,
  • Au contraire d'un sudoku standard, les rangées sont parfois pliées le long des courbes indiquées. Chaque rangée contient exactement 9 cases.
  • +++++++++++++++

  • Write a single number from 1 to 9 in each cell such that each number appears exactly once in every row and bolded box,
  • Unlike a standard sudoku, the rows here sometimes bend along the indicated curves. Each row contains exactly 9 cells.


Grille créée pour le tournoi LMI Spring Sudoku Test (26-27 mars 2011).

Voir la solution.

2 commentaires:

  1. Sudokukurve is generally not one of favourites, and I surprised myself by solving it in Spring. In this grid, with every guesswork, I think one can quickly put in numbers which results in a contradiction of a correct solution.

    I say this because I guessed about 3-4 times, and each time I got caught within the next 10 entries.

  2. Perhaps it is due to the fact that there are only 5 regions. With 16 givens, one must find only 31 digits, which is small compared to a usual 9*9 grid.
